

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 41 - March 21, 2016 Hola? Privyet? Ni Hao? Hello?

            My dearest readers!

I thought I was in California for a little bit this week. 
I was on splits with sisters Thomas and Nielson. It was super fun! 
I hope I can serve with sister Thomas before she dies next cycle. 
We've always seen each other around transfers, but were finally able to serve together 
and just loved every second of it. Including our excursion to a Mexican restaurant. 
No, unfortunately there was no Horchata there. Yes, I was very sad. 
Yes, I did sing Vampire Weekend's song starting with "In December. . . " 

Sister Thomas and I went to a Mexican restaurant in Russia. . . 

It's been a good week! Zone training was just what I needed to kickstart this next cycle. 
It's really hard to realize when you are letting doubts and fears get to you. 
In Lehi's dream, he refers to them as a "dark mist." It's SO true! 
Mist is something that creeps up on you, gradually, of which you don't realize 
you are in until it's thick enough to fog your vision. For this reason, 
God commands us to "pray always, that you may come off conquerer (D&C 10:5)." 
We have to keep asking for help and protection. If we don't do so continuously, 
then we are telling God we don't need Him that day. 

I read something really interesting in Jesus the Christ about prayer. 
James E. Talmage talks about the "ask and ye shall receive" promise of the Lord. 
He then goes on to share two parables, the one of the "friend at midnight" 
and the "Importunate woman." Both these stories talk about how the "importunity" 
of both these people lead to them receiving that which they desired. Importunity, 
I have concluded, means pleading persistently. These two people have "proper purposes" 
for pleading, for us missionaries is it a "righteous cause."  
The moral of the two parables was that our perfect, loving Heavenly Father 
would give us those things that we ask for, that which are good. 
Talmage also says that sometimes, out of mercy, the Lord withholds blessings 
for a little while so that our prayers become more fervent. It really hit me. 
Sometimes the Lord makes us wait a little longer for blessings to see if we really want them. 
We need to keep asking, just like we need to keep practicing 
how to shoot that three-pointer until we can get the desired result. 
If we stop asking or practicing, then we lose that which we had acquired. 
I want to really improve my prayers so that my works are backed up by my faith. 

We made yummy teriyaki chicken!! 
Yay for sugar, soy sauce, and water! 
Happy mum? I took off my glasses haha

Whelp I'm out of time again! Last week, I forgot to tell you that 
I met with a babooshka in another sisters' area. While introducing ourselves, 
sis Thomas, the younger aka from my district, explained how she wants to do something 
with biology. Then the babooshka went off about how she thinks that people who go into 
public relations have no future and she hates everyone of that profession. 
Safe to say i said nothing

Much love, 
Cectpa Graham

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